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Cleaning Survey Cover

Survey Says: Commercial Cleaning is No Longer a Luxury

Each day more people are becoming vaccinated and heading back to the office, restaurants, retail stores and airports. They are doing this with new cleaning standards and habits formed during the global pandemic. Individuals are now more aware than ever of the impact of germs and how cleaning and sanitizing can help prevent the spread of illnesses. A new national survey commissioned by Stratus Building Solutions reveals just how germ-conscious people are as they venture back into the world.

The survey of 521 men and women asked about overall habit change, concern about germs moving forward, and how often they want to see an office space professionally cleaned and sanitized. 

Here are a few of the key questions and answers presented in the survey. 


Cleaning Habits Are Changing For Good:


How long do you anticipate maintaining cleaning habit changes formed during the pandemic?’

Forever 83.8%

Temporarily 16.2%


Even after received the vaccination, will you still be extra cautious of potential germs?

Yes- 88.5%

No- 11.5%


Why will you be extra cautious of germs? (select all that apply) 

I worry a virus like COVID or a COVID variant may surface again 79.8%

I worry everything around me has germs 3.8%

I worry I could die or someone I care about could die 44.3%

I worry if businesses or workplaces don’t take this seriously the country could close down again 42.3%


Where will you be extra cautious of germs? (select all that apply) 

The Gym  71.4%

Workplace/Office 73.8%

Restaurants  80%

Stores (grocery, retails) 80.7%

Airports, transportation hubs 76.6%

Hotels 72%

Gas stations 73.5%

Schools 64%

Home 56%

Friend’s homes 62%

Everywhere 16.5%


Workers Want to See a Clean Office:


Why, after vaccination, would you want to be confident about proper cleaning and sanitizing at your workplace before you return to work? (select all that apply)

COVID isn’t the only issue. Flu and cold germs exist and can make me sick 63.4%

I’m worried about germs in places like the bathroom, kitchen and common areas. 55.3%


Even when vaccinated, would you consider asking to work from home if you felt your workplace wasn’t taking disinfection seriously?

Yes 74.9%

No 25.1%


How often do you expect your workplace to be cleaned and sanitized?

Every workday 66.6%

One of two times a week 24%

Only after someone has been sick 3.8%

Not sure 4.2%

Don’t care 1.9%


Commercial Cleaning is a Must:


Even as the country gets vaccinated, are you at all concerned about cleaning and sanitizing at businesses you frequent?

Yes 89.8%

No 10.2%


After being vaccinated, do you still expect businesses you frequent to place a special emphasis on cleaning and sanitizing? 

Yes 93.7%

No 6.3%


After being vaccinated, will you ask a business you frequent about their cleaning and sanitation practices?

Yes 76.4%

No 23.6%


After being vaccinated, would you want to be confident about proper cleaning and sanitizing at your workplace before you return to work? 

Yes 92.7%

No 7.3%


Do you find yourself more closely evaluating the cleanliness of business you frequent since the pandemic began?

Yes 87.5%

No 12.5%