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Coronavirus business reopening plan

Coronavirus Cleaning Plan for Reopening Day and Beyond

Stratus - Back To Business Brochure 

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Canadian Brochure


4-Point Back to Business Plan: A Safer Way to Re-Open Your Business

We hope this message finds you and your families well and healthy. 
Undoubtedly, the recent months have been some of the most challenging
we’ve faced as a nation and as a global business community. But we can begin
to see the light at the end of the tunnel as our world moves to a gradual, and
safe re-opening of the economy.

As you prepare to get back to work, we know that nothing is more important
than the safety and security of your employees and customers.

We’re here to help.

Since the beginning of the outbreak, Stratus Building Solutions has been a
proud partner to thousands of companies across North America. We know
what it takes to clean, disinfect, and sanitize buildings to reduce the spread of
COVID-19, and provide safer, healthier facilities.

Now, we are delighted to give your business the right plan and information it
needs to re-open and get Back-to-Business safely. Please download our free guide.

If there’s anything we can do to help make your re-opening day, and every
business day, cleaner and safer, just ask. We’d be happy to review your current
re-opening goals and assist in any way we can.