In an insightful new article published on, Doug Flaig, a renowned expert in team management and leadership, delves into the challenges and strategies of leading high-performing and engaged virtual teams. Titled "Leading from Afar: Nurturing High-Performing and Engaged Virtual Teams," this piece comes at a crucial time when businesses worldwide are adapting to remote work environments.
Flaig's article explores the dynamics of virtual team management, offering practical advice and innovative techniques to help leaders nurture a sense of community and efficiency among remote employees. Drawing from extensive experience, Flaig emphasizes the importance of clear communication, unity, and the use of technology in fostering a collaborative and productive virtual workplace.
As businesses continue to navigate the shift towards remote and hybrid work models, Flaig's insights provide valuable guidance for those seeking to maintain high levels of team performance and engagement in a virtual setting. His expertise offers a roadmap for leaders looking to adapt and thrive in the evolving world of work.
You can read Doug Flaig's full article on the Forbes website.
About Doug Flaig
Doug Flaig, the president of Stratus Building Solutions, is a seasoned executive renowned for his leadership in franchising, telecommunications, and wireless infrastructure development. With a forward-thinking approach to complex challenges and a track record of executing strategic tactics to achieve key objectives, Doug is a trusted advisor and speaker in the business community. His commitment to servant leadership, collaboration, and clear metrics has been instrumental in driving the growth of numerous companies.
For media inquiries and interview requests:
Mike Toper
(919) 813-6511
[email protected]