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Read the entire article on Forbes, "20 Business Leaders Share Mentoring Experiences"

Whether a professional is at the beginning of their career or possesses extensive experience, the availability of a mentor for advice and support is an invaluable asset. By forging a strong relationship and providing thoughtful counsel, a mentor prepares both established and emerging business leaders to ambitiously pursue and achieve their personal and professional leadership objectives.

Doug Flaig, CEO of Stratus Building Solutions was one of the 20 members of the Forbes Business Council recounting their experiences with mentoring another business leader or someone aspiring to be one.

Look Outside of Yourself

"It's not about you." Those were hard words to hear in my 20s but a mentor shared them with me and I have found them to be true. I have also shared them with others. Being a strong leader is about empowering your teams, funding their strategies, removing roadblocks and getting out of the way. Serving your team is critical to driving high performance, so it is not about you but about serving the team. -Doug Flaig, CEO

Read the full article to discover the wisdom imparted and how this guidance contributes to exemplary leadership practices.



About Doug Flaig

Doug Flaig Author

Doug Flaig, the president of Stratus Building Solutions, is a seasoned executive renowned for his leadership in franchising, telecommunications, and wireless infrastructure development. With a forward-thinking approach to complex challenges and a track record of executing strategic tactics to achieve key objectives, Doug is a trusted advisor and speaker in the business community. His commitment to servant leadership, collaboration, and clear metrics has been instrumental in driving the growth of numerous companies.