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commercial disinfecting services cost

Coronavirus: Disinfecting Services FAQ

Until 2020, few businesses, with the exception of Food and Healthcare related facilities thought much about disinfecting services for their shop, office, restaurant, warehouse, or even government facility. Well, we are now living in a new world defined by coronavirus COVID-19.


office disinfection

Top 5 Tips to Disinfect Your Office

With our nation’s top doctors now alerting local businesses and schools to prepare for a potential coronavirus crisis, local companies are scrambling to disinfect their workspaces the right way to keep employees and customers safe.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)is now urging U.S.


Bad Office Habits

Survey Says: The 7 Most Disturbing Office Colleague Habits

Office cleaning may be a dirty job, and somebody may have to do it, but there’s no reason to make it even more dirty. But somehow some of our office colleagues do just that. They’re sneezing and spraying germs everywhere, leaving toilets unflushed and generally being slobs.
